Disaster Impact Mitigation Support System

October 6th, 2010 by

Researchers from a university in Indiana have developed a computer model to predict the impact of a disaster on critical infrastructure and the impact on social and economic factors.  The model is called Disaster Impact Mitigation Support System and was developed with funding from the NSF’s Infrastructure Management and Extreme Events program.  The system simulates how a disaster affects bridges, roads, water, water treatment, and other elements as well as social and economic factors such as schools, hospitals, and religious centers.  It also identifies vulnerable part of the infrastructure.  The simulation can be used as a planning tool to identify preventive measures or in real time to anticipate to assist in decision making (evacuation, where to direct relief efforts, and overall assessment).

Source:  http://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/research/2010/100928HastakDisaster.html www.purdue.edu