Our history begins with WorldTech, Inc., a company launched in March 2002 by five former senior Pentagon officials. Three of the founders have extensive experience in foreign military sales and were responsible for about $6.5 billion per year in U.S. foreign military sales. The other two founders are engineers with backgrounds in cost analysis, requirements analysis and technology commercialization. The founding members knew that one of the most pressing needs of the defense community was to simply keep up with the number of inventions emerging around the world on a daily basis.
WorldTech International, LLC was formed in 2007 as a joint venture between WorldTech, Inc. and Earl Industries, LLC. The purpose was to expand upon the success of the product and service offerings of WorldTech, Inc, with a particular focus on the New Technology Opportunity Network (NEWTON).
At the end of 2010, WorldTech International, LLC split from Earl Industries to become an independent entity, wholly owned by WorldTech Inc.